Jesssy Jacques is a publicist assistant for, Saucy PR and also deals with her own list of clientele.As if that wasn't enough of a work load Ms. Jacques also manages a R&B singer R. Notes. She laughs it off by saying this is the story of her life yet I believe this young Mini PR Mogul story is just in the introduction stages.When asking her what made her want to work in this world wind career known as PR Jessy said it just fell into her lap. As a freshman at Trinity Washington University (yes people she is also a student lol) she was able to take an advance class in PR class. I imagine her leader qualities stood out as much then as the do now because she was chosen as account manager for the new JetBlue campaign. As a diligent student and natural born hard worker Ms. Jacques did all she could to make the campaign a success even calling JetBlue personally to inform them of the project. Not even a full two weeks later she receive promotional items from the company T-shirts pens and different gadgets. Thinking that this would be enough to make her want to pursue PR full time I asked Jessy when did she realize that she wanted to dedicate her life to this career she says with a slight chuckle again that it was until she transferred to Brooklyn College and was placed on another group assignment in her media class when a classmate mentioned to her a PR team needing a blogger and just like the go getter she is she jumped at the opportunity.This company is none other than Saucy PR where she met her mentors co-founders Mecca Moore and Tiffany Minott. Jessy says "Saucy PR has been a part of me and me them. The co-founders Mecca Moore and Tiffany Minott are such amazing women that I couldn’t ask for better mentors. For basically three years these women have helped guide me without kid gloves and I love it. Ever since then I’ve been doing PR and it has been a rocky but soul filling road". Unlike most women Jessy Jacques loves to be behind the scenes she feels as though "the work which is done to launch a campaign or an artist means so much to her. Its time consuming and tiresome but the rush is the best feeling one can get. The realization that she is an intricate part of a team that has done something amazing and that means a great deal to her." Any aspect of the entertainment industry is a very male dominated place yet Jess knows this is something she has to deal with she just doesn't appreciate the fact that there is always going to be someone assuming that she did a bedside favor to get where she is which occurs often in the industry but not with her, even more shockingly is the amount of female tension in the industry as a female in the industry there should be less shade thrown from females, they should want to come together as one and unite. Not bad for a young female out of Brooklyn, New York I guess you can accredit that to the fact that Ms. Jacques doesn't believe in the saying "Your a product of your environment" she believes it is when you want to stay in that environment and not better yourself that's the obstacle. For instance as stated before she now attends Brooklyn College majoring in Communication with a concentration in Television and Radio her Graduation date is all set for May of this year,while this may have been the road for her she doesn't necessarily believe everyone must take this road to achieve their goals, some can succeed with the knowledge they obtain some cannot it’s all about the person and what they truly want out of life. I asked Jessy what advice would she give to other young women trying to enter this cut throat industry and she simply states "Confidence not cockiness will be your best friend. There will be some who will try to play you, break you, persuade you to step outside your morals but it’s up to you to know whats best for you. The best thing a girl or woman can do for herself is love herself and the work she produces" As for a back-up plan she doesn't have one,she doesn't need one, or even think about her to her its would be just another excuse to quit or give up when hard times arrive and trust me my friends 'SHE AINT NO QUITTER".In the next five years look out for her riding down a highway into the sun with her lip gloss ripped jeans and leather all the while laughing because she says even if its GOD's will for her to be here at all most of all she wants to be financially stable with a home of her own and her love ones surrounding her......Remeber when the next time you see or hear about Ms Jessy Jacques YOU HEARD ALL THE HYPE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Contact Info for Ms. Jessica Jacques
Publicity Assistant
Right On! / Black Beat Magazines
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